
Super Simple Gift Wrapping

January 20, 2013

Super Simple Gift Wrapping

You know that feeling when you give somebody a neatly-wrapped gift and watch the person impatiently unwrap it with the speed of light, anxious to see what it hides beneath? One can't get that with a gift in a bag and it's better to wrap it yourself. But what if the best you can do is tie your own hands with tape while the colored paper sits on the floor untouched?

We too have feet instead of hands when it comes to wrapping presents, but we found a way so easy and practical that anybody can offer a nicely wrapped present and weep when it's torn to shreds.

You only need the gift in question in a box, wrapping paper, scissors and tape. We used a small box we had lying around. We suggest you try this with a newspaper first.

1. Place the box over the paper and cut the sides so they're about the same width as the box.

Step 1

2. Now you have to cut the other 2 sides to be the about the same height as the box, only a little smaller, definitely not bigger. We hope the image is clear, but you'll see why it's important in the next pictures. 

Step 2

3. Bring the larger sides over the box.

4. Tape that bugger to the box.

Step 4

5. Now for the tricky part. Put your fingers though the middle like in the picture to make 2 triangles from the remaining paper, the lower one is visible in the picture. Now just bring the lower triangle up and push the higher triangle down over the low triangle. 

Step 5

6. Tape it to the box. Don't forget to do that on the other side as well.

Step 6

You're done!

Gift successfully wrapped!

Doesn't this look great? I'm surprised myself. We'd love to hear if you managed to wrap a gift by following these steps, so write us in the comment section below.

Yours with shaky hands,
