Yellow Submarine Tea Infuser
$3.79 — Notify me when the price drops You will be notified when the price drops
As we live a life of ease,
Every one of us has all we need,
Sky of blue, and sea green,
In our yellow submarine.
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
As nonsensical as this song is, nobody can say that it's not hilarious and catchy - and if you use this fun and colorful submarine tea infuser, it'll surely make you sing it in your head. The entire day. All day. Non-stop.
This funky tea infuser is just begging to be filled with your favorite loose leaves tea and then submerged in a cup filled with hot water. Try using green tea when having guests over and sail the sea of green in your yellow submarine.
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
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