
25 Silly and Pointless Holidays

June 3, 2014

25 Silly and Pointless Holidays

Every day should be a holiday, right? Well, there is indeed a holiday almost every day even though they're unofficial and combing through all of them you're bound to find some simply silly or preposterous holidays that nobody in their right mind would actually consider holidays. Yet they exist. And they're pointless and funny, so have a laugh with the 25 silliest holidays.

25. National Whiners Day 

26th of December

This holiday is dedicated to those who love to whine and it?s appropriately set the day after Christmas because that's when you see many people whining about the gifts they received. It was created in 1986 by a reverend in the hopes that people will be more inclined to appreciate what they have, but it has lovingly evolved into a holiday when you go people-watching for whiners returning gifts to mall stores and throw whining parties so you and your friends can whine to your heart's content.

There's even a contest - The Most Famous Whiner of The Year!

In 2012, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford won the prestigious award as he prefered to whine about having to apologize for his mistakes and poor decisions rather than actually change anything about himself.

24. National Flashlight Day

21st of December 

A day when we celebrate those handy little light makers that we find so useful in case of a power outage. You know, the things that go out 2 minutes into your exploration of a ghoul-infested deserted hospital. There's not much point to this holiday since there's no celebration of the light bulb as well and its set date, December the 21st, right when people hang Christmas lights everywhere, makes it double pointless.

23. Ex Day

16th of October

As one would expect, this holiday is celebrated by reconnecting with your ex. Maybe you haven't spoken in ages and would have a nice catching up chat, maybe they're married now and you'll say your congratulations, or maybe they're in prison after abusing some other lover. This holiday doesn't sound like it could have any negative consequences at all! It's probably best to celebrate by just watching a passionate revenge-filled movie.

22. National UnFriend Day

17th of November

Because you need a special day in the year to clean up your friends list from a certain social media website that you're practically glued to! Jimmy Kimmel is responsible for the birth of this holiday as on one of his shows in 2010 he declared November 17 National UnFriend Day.

"NUD is the international day when all Facebook users shall protect the sacred nature of friendship by cutting out any "friend fat" on their pages occupied by people who are not truly their friends," according to the show's website.

21. National Bubba Day

2nd of June

Was your nickname ever Bubba? Then you share the nickname of Bill Clinton, many brothers of Americans (as Bubba was derived from brother) and even one of the most popular dogs' names! On June 2nd, whether you like your nickname or not, you can at least take advantage of the holiday and throw a party and have drinks and maybe even cake! Any excuse to have cake is a good excuse.

20. Stupid Guy Thing Day

22nd of June

Basically the day when you celebrate the Jackass dudes, the guys who star in Fail videos, the guys who get too drunk at a party and try to juggle chihuahuas and all other guys whose silly stories you know and tell.

We're kind of missing out on half the fun by not including women in this, but hey, look at that guy missing his landing on the skateboard!

19. National Grouch Day

15th of October

Being miserable, grouchy and grumpy is a way of life that must be celebrated, right? And this is the perfect day to celebrate the grouch in your life - just carefully since he may not like it that you consider him a grouch and will turn up the crankiness a few more levels.

18. Lost Sock Memorial Day

9th of May

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Ever lost a favorite sock? This is the day when you reminisce about it and light up a candle in its memory. A sad day for the Dobbys in the world, but one can take use the occasion to start gifting socks to all who are mourning their favorite lost socks.

17. International Top Spinning Day

The 2nd Wednesday in October 

As the name implies, it's a day when you spin your favorite tops. That;s it. The whole point of the day. Or to think about the most frustrating spinning top ever, the one from Inception.

16. Look for Circles Day

2nd of November

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As clear cut as the name suggests, Look for Circles Day is a holiday dedicated to all the circles in the world that you celebrate by looking for as many circles as you can find on this day - eyes, tennis balls, donuts, fans, anything. Good if you have absolutely nothing to do and want to move those legs for a bit.

15. Quirkyalone Day

14th of February

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Quirkyalone Day was created to oppose Valentine's Day and its marketing ways and it takes place at the same date as Valentine's. It's celebrated by single people who actually prefer being single.

What's bad about it? Aside from the terrible name. It's celebrated with parties, dinners and gifts - just like Valentine's Day - so it kind of defeats the purpose of countering the idea of Valentine's Day.

14. Hollerin' Contest Day

On the 3rd Saturday in June

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An annual event dedicated to hollerin' to keep that form of communication alive, in spite of all the modern technamabobs that we now take for granted that are much much quieter and effective. Basically, it's a day to scream questions and instructions to a person 100 feet from you instead of just sending them a subtle and quiet text. Good day to remember to buy earplugs.

13. Wearing Something Gaudy Day

17th of October


The one day of the year when (supposedly) wearing tacky, tasteless and plain old ugly clothes is a requirement! Aside from Christmas and the ugly Christmas sweaters that we all know and love, that is. It's a great occasion to throw a party where everybody has to wear their old '90s high waisted jeans, rainbow colored shirts or even just white socks with sandals! 

12. Haunted Refrigerator Night

30th of October

The one night a year when you must clean your fridge and throw out that mystery meat from the back of the fridge and hope it didn't become sentient in the many months it's been there. Be careful if anything snaps at you from the fridge - it may be the salad from last Thanksgiving! This cleanliness promoting holiday should really be held monthly.

11. Wiggle Your Toes Day

6th of August

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Want a silly holiday to liven up an otherwise boring and eventless summer day? Then this is the holiday for you! Just add flip flops.

10. Blah Blah Day

17th of April

Got somebody nagging you to do household chores all the damned time? This is the day to finally do them! And who could resist this holiday when it involves doing chores and it has such an attractive name? It's yet another holiday that should be held more often as it seems that some people need reminders to clean up their homes and yearly might not do the trick.

9. Dance Like a Chicken Day

14th of May

Dance like a chicken day

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Nothing better than a whole day dedicated to one of the most frustrating dances (and songs) ever! The Chicken Dance now has a holiday of its own. Yay!... Fun if you?re in kindergarten, but you may want some ear and eye bleach if people start doing this dance around you all day.

8. National Cheese Doodle Day

5th of March

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The excuse you need to stuff your face with cheese doodles until you can't walk anymore. This is not a bad holiday though, any excuse to eat snacks is a good excuse!

7. What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day

3rd of March

Cravendale's cats with thumbsCravendale's Cats with thumbs

Cravendale kind of made this day redundant, but you can still take some time off of any work you have to do and imagine if Fluffy could open her own can of cat food or if Sparky could take himself out for a walk.

6. National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day

13th of March

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This holiday is defying bad luck by saying you should open an umbrella inside the house on this day AND it's set on the 13th. Spooooky, isn't it? 

Have you noticed there's a trend with silly holidays in March? Maybe people are so bored with winter that they started making up holidays to make the time go faster until spring. Nothing wrong with that.

5. My Bucket's Got a Hole In It Day

30th of May

My bucket's got a hole in it day

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Ah, we're getting to the best part of the list! This funky sounding holiday celebrates a children's song, "There's a Hole in My Bucket". It's catchy and fun and a whole day dedicated to it will drive everybody listening completely bonkers. But at least it's as fun as the Chicken Dance and it doesn't have a dance attached to it, so it's perfect to infect your coworkers with the bug of this song.

4. Lumpy Rug Day

3rd of May

Carpets don't get enough recognition! On May 3rd, your old lumpy and worn out carpets should be replaced so you'll enjoy new, comfy and soft carpets to sit down on when watching a film. Some sources say the rug is lumpy because of the dirt (secrets, bad words) you swept under it, so you should just be honest today. Just one day a year, of course.

3. Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day

2nd of June

Yell FUDGE at cobras

Sounds bizarre? Wait until you hear its background story.They say that the holiday appeared after one year when the citizens of a state in North America were asked to go outdoors at noon and yell "fudge!". Cobras supposedly hate fudge so the mere mention of it makes them run like bats from hell. People have said that the yelling is effective, having sighted no cobras after a yelling session, so it must work, right? And so a crazy holiday was born.

2. Chicken Boy Day

1st of September

This creepy chicken-headed boy had a bit of a following in the olden days when he used to be a famous landmark and the mascot for a fried chicken restaurant, so when the restaurant closed, the people kept the 22-foot statue and created a holiday especially for him. So the Chicken Boy now has a day all for himself and his still loyal fans on September 1st.

1. Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day

27th of March

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Top of the list and for good reason! It?s not only a silly holiday, but it's fantastic if you celebrate it - alienate your friends, family and coworkers with country music with hilarious lyrics, just remember to tell them what day it is so they'll still call you tomorrow. Maybe try out these songs:

  • I Don't Know Whether To Kill Myself Or Go Bowling?
  • I Still Miss You Baby, But My Aim's Gettin' Better
  • If The Phone Doesn't Ring, You'll Know It's Me
  • I Keep Forgetting I Forgot About You
  • Here's a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares
  • Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw?
  • She's Looking Better Every Beer
  • I'm So Miserable without You; It's Like Having You Here
  • She Got the Goldmine, I Got the Shaft
  • My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink and I Don't Love You
  • I Ain't Never Gone to Bed with an Ugly Woman, but I Sure Woke Up with a Few

Yours and wearing something gaudy,
